But you are racist Tommy, you and your cult

I don’t know a great deal about what happened in Woolwich last week. This is because no one does. That terrifying, barbaric act of murder needs explaining at the earliest opportunity but due to the nature of it no reasoning will ever adequately satisfy our need to know the why. Maybe this is because it’s … Continue reading

The Secret: All your wishes are in the catalogue. Part: 2

If you missed Part 1 then head here, otherwise the order will be all messed up and something really bad might happen, like dealing with a confused aura or your chakras being out of alignment. Moving on let’s look at the great steps taken to prove the credibility of the Secret theory although in the … Continue reading

The Secret: All your wishes are in the catalogue. Part: 1

The political disappearance of the left wing in the western world has given rise to the commercialisation of alternative living. Former gatherings of those seeking the counter culture, like Glastonbury Festival, now resemble vessels for mass marketing and capitalist principles. Finding new ways of conducting yourself through this minefield of profit driven ideology, hypocritically, results … Continue reading

As an atheist, I finally have faith in us

Atheism is changing. No longer is it just the counter argument of a minority, chastised by the God-fearing for trying to justify a sinful existence. Atheism is an ever-growing global movement that now enjoys celebrity endorsement and freedoms afforded by an increasingly tolerant society. But this has been the trick. The key word here is … Continue reading

Frisking for facts.

You are not ever allowed to discover anything new ever again ever. You are not allowed to find something enjoyable on a whim, stumble across something creative that may make your brain do a think or act in any sort of random way. In fact, without being armed with encyclopedic knowledge of whatever your choice … Continue reading

Tom Cruise probably owes me money.

Jack Reacher, a film based on a highly successful series of books is good. I will admit that it’s pretty enjoyable popcorn inducing fun however whilst I was watching it I came to a strange but life affirming realisation. I realised that. . . I am a better actor than Tom Cruise. There, I said … Continue reading