Scottish independence and the eight-legged Emperor.

Did you see David Cameron give that speech in Scotland? If not, then go and find that video and try and watch it without something appalling happening to your face. What a dreadful man he really is. I used to think that his smugness was impenetrable, like a thick layer of weapons-grade entitlement but there … Continue reading


A tale of tax evasion and fictional people you can talk to. It’s hard to stay the right side of aimlessly ranting when the need to furiously release a backlog of stored up rage takes hold. It’s difficult to measure the potency of this output so one doesn’t come across like a deranged advocate for … Continue reading

Sometimes, heroes don’t need a mask

It’s 1989 and I’m eight years old. I’m the youngest of three and living in a shitty, non-descript border town in Wales which is kind of like turning up to someone’s annual carnival of boredom, every day. My sister Angela is fifteen and dealing with the teenage years with all of the gusto required of … Continue reading

Parenting, paranoia and me – Chapter 1

I’m a Dad, despite what Facebook says. Confession time – I have a son. Yeah that’s right, I procreated like a grown up. This is not a great revelation by anyone’s standards unless you factor in the fact that he is now four years old and no, I did not just find out. He’s sat … Continue reading

Good Atheism – The ability to defend a person’s right to be completely wrong.

Ubiquitous pork-scratching David Cameron has spent the last few weeks declaring his devotion to Christianity in the press and generally making a mockery of the country he governs. A pretty solid performance from our Emperor I think you’ll agree. I’m not sure what sort of campaign manager he’s got in place for the run-up to … Continue reading

The windowless world of British weather

British people love the British weather. This is an absolute and undeniable fact that can be looked up and referenced in The Big Book of Facts. We particularly love “extreme” forms of weather or, what the rest of the world likes to call, “weather”. The weather is often national news and in most instances of … Continue reading

The Apocalypse 2: When it came, it came with murderous sincerity, shaking its posterior like a demented bag of constipated potatoes.

January 2155: Further excavation uncovered more terrifying entries offering a wider picture of why the world ended in 2014. NAME: PHIL WATSON ALIAS: WHITE PUDDING WEAPON OF CHOICE: UNDERSTANDING THE DEFINITION OF IRONY LOCATION: UNKNOWN The explosions came as the bell chimed 12 in a rapture of self congratulatory nonsense. Then, a deafening silence took … Continue reading

The Apocalypse: When it came, it came with bells

December 2154: This diary entry was found during an archaeological dig in which the cause of the 2014 apocalypse was investigated and eventually discovered.  NAME: PHIL WATSON ALIAS:  WHITE PUDDING WEAPON OF CHOICE: SARCASM LOCATION: UNKNOWN It has been twenty four hours since the apocalypse. That’s 1440 minutes, counting all 86,400 seconds as if each … Continue reading

Man-Flu: The Menfolk Strike Back

There is no debate anymore. No reason to question or fine-tooth-comb the details into a neat moustache of conclusion. All discussion from here on in is purely academic, scenery for the female of the species out to prove a post-modern feminist argument of physical superiority like it’s important somehow. Females have had child-birth to hold … Continue reading

The X Factor, Reddit and other reasons to be The King of Spain

A sabbatical has been taken from this weird habit I have. It’s almost intolerable needing or wanting to write something about everything. Having too much to say about stuff leads to exasperation with having to say anything at all. It makes you question the need for a forum (Blog?) in which subjects are collected and … Continue reading