Need a Hug #tree

At some point, no one knows when, the purpose and validity of the counter-culture lost all of its potency and the power of its voice silenced to inaudible levels. It became trivial, a uniform to wear to advertise political beliefs and a basis for mockery from those who defeated it with money and power. The … Continue reading

The Secret: All your wishes are in the catalogue. Part: 2

If you missed Part 1 then head here, otherwise the order will be all messed up and something really bad might happen, like dealing with a confused aura or your chakras being out of alignment. Moving on let’s look at the great steps taken to prove the credibility of the Secret theory although in the … Continue reading

The Secret: All your wishes are in the catalogue. Part: 1

The political disappearance of the left wing in the western world has given rise to the commercialisation of alternative living. Former gatherings of those seeking the counter culture, like Glastonbury Festival, now resemble vessels for mass marketing and capitalist principles. Finding new ways of conducting yourself through this minefield of profit driven ideology, hypocritically, results … Continue reading