Sometimes, heroes don’t need a mask

It’s 1989 and I’m eight years old. I’m the youngest of three and living in a shitty, non-descript border town in Wales which is kind of like turning up to someone’s annual carnival of boredom, every day. My sister Angela is fifteen and dealing with the teenage years with all of the gusto required of … Continue reading

Man-Flu: The Menfolk Strike Back

There is no debate anymore. No reason to question or fine-tooth-comb the details into a neat moustache of conclusion. All discussion from here on in is purely academic, scenery for the female of the species out to prove a post-modern feminist argument of physical superiority like it’s important somehow. Females have had child-birth to hold … Continue reading

The Weekly Cardigan: 1

These boots were made for…? I’m starting a weekly round up of all the things that have caught my eye over the week. I know people that miss (ignore) the news and I find this a bit strange and I don’t mean this in an elitist way. I’m not looking down on anyone for not … Continue reading

An elegant sell-out for a less civilised age?

I’ll be there, and so will you. We’ll be more likely sat next to each other. The year will be 2015 and (let the ferocious punning start now) this isn’t a galaxy too far away. I imagine I will have spent the subsequent three years in a fit of righteous indignation and feverish nay saying. … Continue reading

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

I don’t pretend to know a great deal about the inner workings of British politics. In fact, I don’t pretend to know a great deal about politics in general. I, like Liam Neeson, do have a particular set of skills though, which are mainly focused on knowing bullshit when I see it (smell it?) as … Continue reading

Star Wars, Hippies and the problems with positive thinking.

“I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other, and I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe that there’s one all-powerful Force controlling everything. ‘Cause no mystical energy field controls my destiny.” Han Solo I didn’t want anything bad to happen. So, I thought … Continue reading