Hope is a dangerous thing.

“Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.” Red – The Shawshank Redemption I just woke up, not twenty minutes ago, shocked, bewildered and crushed by tiredness and this inescapable sense of doom surrounding the Conservative Party’s projected victory in this election. There were moments … Continue reading

Feed the World? Let them know we’ll care when it gets here

What is there to be done about charity singles? I’m almost afraid to say but the sentiment is lost on me. I’m sure the intentions for the most part are honourable and I’m certain that Geldof really does give a shit about the Ebola crisis. The problem is the final product is less than the … Continue reading

Britain First (in the race to be racist, bigoted and evil)

Britain First!? Have you heard of them? If you have a book of faces then chances are you’ve stumbled across something, perhaps unwittingly, shared from these cretins. I say unwittingly but this is not to mock the person who hit the share button as this act takes a micro-second of anyone’s busy schedule and not, … Continue reading

Scottish independence and the eight-legged Emperor.

Did you see David Cameron give that speech in Scotland? If not, then go and find that video and try and watch it without something appalling happening to your face. What a dreadful man he really is. I used to think that his smugness was impenetrable, like a thick layer of weapons-grade entitlement but there … Continue reading

The Great British Turn Off

Has anyone turned on the news recently? This is not a trick question, I’m asking because I’ve had two weeks away from work so I actually spent some time enjoying myself and didn’t feel a need to constantly check my misery device for signs of life outside of office based stupidity. Admittedly, it’s more than … Continue reading

My hometown isn’t completely racist, just accidentally

Furious would be a good way to describe how I felt about the people of my hometown when the news broke that UKIP had stormed the recent European elections. They had the majority of the votes in most of the country also, spreading my disgust nationally for all of the wrong reasons. Knee-jerk reactions are … Continue reading

Good Atheism – The ability to defend a person’s right to be completely wrong.

Ubiquitous pork-scratching David Cameron has spent the last few weeks declaring his devotion to Christianity in the press and generally making a mockery of the country he governs. A pretty solid performance from our Emperor I think you’ll agree. I’m not sure what sort of campaign manager he’s got in place for the run-up to … Continue reading

We’re living in a post-apocalyptic world; we just haven’t had the apocalypse yet.

Dystopia noun – An imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. The opposite of Utopia. Oxford English Dictionary The Judge, a disproportionate man who stands smaller than he thinks, introduces his victim to the audience. Like a Circus Ringmaster, he invites you to marvel … Continue reading

Anything for a quiet life

For all of the words written, rhetoric delivered and ignorantly received I am wondering if anyone has discovered the answer to society’s problem.  It would seem that after all of this time, where an immeasurable effort was put into realising that there is a problem and were all doomed, somebody would have found a solution … Continue reading

September is a genocidal maniac

September is the shittiest month of the year. Its thirty days long and carved from the most potent of turds and designed specifically with depression, dejection and fear in mind. More powerful than January with its depleted monetary issues and it makes April’s ‘end of tax year’ obstacles seem like a distant holiday. Think about … Continue reading